If you've used this time to write your dream script, it's time for the world to see it. Find out why Script to Screens is the screenwriting prize for you.
Jared Douglas has been working on his indie film career for years. Now, releasing his first full length film, 'The Sound of the Wind' shows his best work.
With an intimate location and historical city, the Cinalfama Lisbon International Film Festival offers people a chance to bear their soul through film.
As the New Media Film Festival gets ready for its 2020 event, submissions for 2021 just opened up. Here's why this is one festival you don't want to miss.
The New Media Film Festival brings together storytellers across all mediums. But it seems like its creator Susan Johnston lived her life for this festival.
If you're sick of being cooped up from quarantine, why not get yourself a trip to Italy to learn screenwriting from the greats? This is the retreat for you.
No Longer Human got her start directing music videos for top artists in Japan. But with a desire to tell stories, she became Japan's first VR script writer.