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Ultimate Guide to Spy Cell Phone Without Installing Software

Can you spy on someone’s cell phone without installing any software in it? What can you do if you can’t touch their phone?

Maybe you feel that your child is being bullied online. Perhaps you suspect your partner is cheating on you. Or maybe, your employee is selling confidential company data.

You are aware that installing a spyware app on a targeted person’s phone can help you deal with this problem. However, there is another problem; they don’t let you touch their phone. What can you do then?

You can spy on their phone without ever having to touch it or even installing any software in it. Well, let us shine some light on the fact that there are some great applications like Ultimate Phone Spy to help you do that.

As you read ahead, we shall dissect this solution and find interesting ways to spy on the target’s cell phone without installing software in it.

Can You Spy on a Cell Phone Without Spyware Installation In It?

It may sound impossible, but it is not. You can spy on any phone, Android or iOS, easily without having to install any spyware in it. 

All you have to do is pay attention to details and a perfect tool like the Ultimate Phone Spy. Follow this article closely to learn ways to spy on a phone without letting your target know of it.

These top 4 techniques can guide you to spy a cell phone without installing software on the target phone.

Social Engineering

This is a very effective technique to spy on someone’s phone without the installation of any software in it. However, it is pretty dangerous and can get you caught if not performed correctly.

There are numerous tricks and tactics to apply this method for accessing data from the targeted phone. This method primarily involves you manipulating the person to hand over their cell phones.

You have to perform a sort of social demonstration and trick them into giving their phone to you. This can include pretending to make an emergency call or using some app that is not working on your phone. 

Hack text messages without access to phone

You can use the few moments with the phone to nose through the information you are seeking for. You can follow this process by connecting your phone to an application like the Ultimate Phone Spy.

The user-friendly interface in this application will allow you to gain insights into how the person uses the cell phone. You can see which apps are used, monitor conversations in apps such as Snapchat, Instagram, and access call logs. 

You can also access keylogger to obtain sensitive information about logging into various apps.

Using the Wireless Networks

Although efficient, this is a very complicated way to spy on someone’s phone. It is an excellent way to hack a phone without physically touching it. Hackers around the world widely use this method.

It is called sniffing wireless networks. Here, sniffing means capturing the flow of information over a Wi-Fi network. This method, like mentioned earlier, is very complex. However, with some effort, you can learn to crack the Wi-Fi passwords.

You can start with reading a few tutorials on the internet before accessing the Wi-Fi connection. You can follow this step by nosing into the cell phone connected to the network. 

However, there are apps like WhatsApp or Instagram with end-to-end encryption. This means the data is encrypted between travel from one cell phone to another. The messages and media files are translated to the readable text format only when it reaches the destination phone.

You may miss this data, but you can get other sensitive information such as passwords and emails. You can use these passwords to log in to their account and spy on their messages.


This is a popular method among scammers, where they send malicious links to follow. You can use this to hack into someone’s phone without installing any spyware quickly and effectively.

You have to send an email or an SMS to the targeted device. For this, you can make the person visit a link that is developed to access the necessary information.

read someones text messages without installing software on their phone

Points to remember while sending malicious links:

  • The email address or the SMS number should be like something that represents Google, Apple, Facebook, or Instagram. 
  • The composition of the message should be similar in terms of language and structure to the ones usually sent by the above-mentioned platforms. This will make the targeted person trust the message.
  • You can use ready-made templates that are available on the internet.
  • You need to be aware of the challenges iOS and Android pose against phishing and act wisely.

Software Vulnerability

This is another technique to spy on someone’s phone that is easy to pull off. However, this method requires you to be a little more tech-savvy than the others. You will have to learn to take advantage of the loopholes in the targeted phone’s security.

For example, you can hack into WhatsApp by manipulating its WhatsApp web feature. You can log in to the targeted person’s WhatsApp account by exploiting the QR code scanning options.

By using the social engineering method mentioned above, you can access the targeted phone for a minute or two and get going. However, you should not read any messages before the targeted person does if you do not want to be suspected.

On the other hand, not all applications have QR code features like WhatsApp. Hence, you have to look for different ways, such as looking for saved passwords on the phone.

Spy Cell Phone Without Installing Software on Target Phone

You can access the login details on iOS and Android devices that are saved locally. However, these methods require you to know the lock screen password. The steps are as follows:

For iOS- 

  • Go to settings
  • Find Password
  • Click on what you need

For Android-

  • Go to settings
  • Click on the search symbol
  • Type Password Manager
  • Select Google Account
  • Click on what you need

Features of Ultimate Phone Spy App

If you’re looking for an application that would provide you access to someone’s android phone without letting them know, then you’ve come to the right place.

Spy applications that don’t make use of the target’s phone while spying are the best way to spy on someone and monitor their activities. These applications work by granting you access to someone’s phone by breaking. There are trusted hacking services that spy on cell phones remotely.

To make things easier for you, we have mentioned below free spy applications for Android that don’t require access to target the target phone:

Nova Spy App

Nova spy application will provide you access to the target’s android phone without having the need to root it. It will grant you access to their social media applications through which you’d be able to spy on their conversations.

Two of the unique features provided by Nova spy app are that of Geo-location and Geo-fencing. The former would provide you with the real-time location of the target person. Whereas the latter would allow you to set up an imaginary boundary for the target person.

As soon the target would move out of that boundary, the Geo-fencing feature would notify you about it. You would then be able to track their location through the Geo-location feature.

Alternative spy app

Top spying application provides an interface that can be easily used by people who don’t have much technological knowledge. It would grant you access to the target person’s internet history and social media applications.

You would even have an option to take a screenshot of the conversations in a discreet way. Once you have the screenshot along with other data, it can be easily stored on any other device. However, this application doesn’t provide you access to their location. check this website for alternative spy apps.

Wrapping Up

Spying on a cell phone without the installation of software in it can seem tricky. However, it can be done easily if you pay close attention and go ahead with it confidently.

There are always apps like the Ultimate Phone Spy to help you without having to worry about anything. A small subscription can go a long way.

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