How to add warmth to your apartment
As each of us knows, winter is the season of magic, holidays and snow, but also the season of a new beginning. In addition, winter is a rather cold and sometimes gloomy time of the year, which can bring gloominess not only to the soul, but also to the house.
We already know that, in an interior design, any element is important in creating warmth and comfort. From the rules of space ergonomics to the influence of the colors we use, every detail must have its place. Today, in order to be able to enjoy every moment of winter, we offer you some design tricks that will allow you to create an interior full of warmth and comfort, so that you can take full advantage of this time of year.
Use vivid colors
During winter, each of us would like his home to be not only warm, but also welcoming and full of comfort. Therefore, the first trick you can follow to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere on winter evenings is the use of vivid and warm colors. Opt for lively tones, full of energy and life. Choose from a range of shades of colors, such as gold, yellow, red, orange, etc. You can also use the color brown, which gives the interior a natural and full of life look. This one can also be combined with orange, red, slate gray, purple, etc.
These colors can be used for both walls, furniture, or integrated via accessories, decorations, carpets, etc.
Keeps the mixum 3/3 in the interior design
It is one of the relatively new rules of interior design. The one who emphasized and developed this concept is the designer Mark McCauley. He came up with the idea of vertical color distribution in his book, „Home Color Therapy: Real-Life Solutions for Adding Colors to Your Life”.
Having nature as a landmark, the vertical rule distributes the colors according to their location in the natural environment. Thus, the darkest colors will be placed closer to the ground (in nature their analogy is the grass in dark shades, stones, dirt etc.). The middle tones will be located as plants and trees are in nature. Finally, in the upper part, you can use the light shades.
The designer developed this formula to be perfectly functional in any style of interior design. This can be a useful starting point for those trying to set up the perfect palette. It can work with both colored and monochrome shades.
Hide household chemicals in closed drawers
Everyday life spoils the picture no less than a mess. Most of the bottles and cans with household chemicals and cosmetics that we use in the bathroom and kitchen have bright colors, and certainly can not fit any interior design, making it uncomfortable. Hide them in closed drawers or replace them with plain containers – nowadays, you can find quite a variety of such laconic bottles in the assortment of home markets. You can also make them yourself, for example from medicated jars.
Store food in beautiful containers and jars
Storage utensils are also a decoration for your apartments near Birmingham. And even that which is not always in sight (on the table or on open shelves) should be kept beautifully. This will give you a feeling of real comfort.
Choose containers made from living materials, such as tin, straw, wood or felt. They have more charm than plastic products and make the storage spaces also look attractive and pleasant to the eye.
Add wood to the arrangement
The use of natural wood in the interior is a fairly practical solution in creating a feeling of warmth and comfort. It complements the room’s colors, but also helps you create a perfect atmosphere. If you are still in the process of arranging your interior, it is still not too late to opt for a wooden floor.
Likewise, you can choose another more varied integration of it, such as furniture, tables, shelves, etc., which are perfect especially when you want to replace some already old things. You can find all you want at Nyfurnitureoutlets. In addition, you can choose to embed wood in the interior through wooden objects, decorations or other accessories, such as trays, cup holders or simple original and pleasant decor elements.
Don’t forget the decor specific to winter
Each season has its own details and elements. Winter always comes with its aroma of cinnamon, oranges, the smell of fir or berries. All this helps you enjoy the cold season and the pleasures it offers. Use scented candles, sprays, etc., and decorations such as fir twigs, cones, cinnamon, etc. If you prefer cooking, complete the atmosphere with biscuits, muffins or cookies fresh out of the oven. In this way, you will create the desired atmosphere, full of homely warmth.
Opt for soft textures
Sometimes, in winter, you would prefer to wrap yourself in something soft, fluffy and comfortable, so that you feel warm and cozy. You can cover your sofas or armchairs with a soft, fluffy and pleasant to the touch blanket. In winter, they can be easily found almost in any store, in a wide variety of patterns, colors and materials. In addition to the blankets placed on soft furniture, do not forget the pillows – another element that creates comfort and warmth, especially in winter.
Match your home to the winter outside!
Flowers are the element present in almost every home, during the warm season. Now, do not forget to be in step with the cold season too! Choose a more special change of the interior with the help of arrangements, such as wicker baskets with fir cones, twigs, as well as some items of decor placed in various parts of the house, which will help you to fully enjoy the atmosphere of winter, as well as its marvelous holidays.