4 Ways to Reduce Blind Spots When Driving
One of the first things people learn about driving is that almost every vehicle has a blind spot. From learning how to head check to looking up Angel View Mirror reviews, there are many things you can do to limit its impact. When drivers can’t spot all of the obstacles around them, an accident is literally unavoidable! Here are a few things you can do to help eliminate blind spots as you drive.
What Is a Blind Spot?
Being able to see while driving is essential, though the shape of most vehicles makes it difficult to get every angle in view. Looking straight ahead, a driver can see the road in front along with the rearview mirror located at the center of the windshield. This gives you a great view out the rear window, letting you know if anything is coming up from behind without looking back. Angel View Mirror reviews suggest a more curved mirror would offer a better view.
Most vehicles have two additional mirrors located on the doors. These let drivers see what’s alongside their car, but there is still a spot by the rear corners of the vehicle that is almost impossible to see from any mirror. Some vans and trucks have obstructed back windows as well, creating an even larger blind spot. You’ll need to adjust your driving habits in order to capture what mirrors can’t see.
#1. Adjusting Mirrors Properly
A huge mistake many people make is not fine-tuning their mirrors when they get into the car. Driving instructors teach mirror adjustment should be done right before buckling up, but it’s a habit that a lot of drivers neglect. A cursory glance may make you think everything is aligned, but once you get on the road you may notice problems with their positioning. Reading Angel View Mirror reviews illustrate just how important the rearview mirror can be.
Try to get into the habit of checking your mirrors as soon as you sit down, even if you’re the only one using the vehicle. Side mirrors should show very little of your car, maximizing the view and shrinking that blind spot down. Make sure your rearview and side mirrors offer you a unified picture of your surroundings and you should be good to go!
#2. Blind-Spot-Reducing Items
Another option is to use accessories to help reduce the areas you can’t see. The Angel View Mirror reviews indicate a curved lens will offer a much broader view, and using a specially designed mirror over the rearview mounted on your windshield may eliminate blind spots entirely. Some drivers add a small, very convex one to their side mirrors that accomplish a similar task but in a much smaller area.
#3. SMOG
Unlike pollutants, the SMOG model of driving will actually help make the world safer. The four-step system helps to make drivers more aware of their surroundings and remove the threats that blind spots pose. The steps include:
- Signal: Use your turn signal to indicate lane changes or intent to turn.
- Mirrors: Check all three mirrors for any obstacles.
- Over-the-Shoulder: Also called a head check, a quick look over your shoulder in the intended direction will reveal anything hidden around your car.
- Go: Once you know the coast is clear, make your move!
Using the SMOG model, drivers will automatically eliminate those pesky blind spots with each head check. Because it makes drivers more careful on the road, it’s an excellent habit to form in both new and seasoned drivers alike.
#4. Blind Spot Monitors
If you’re in the market for a new car, truck, or van, you may want to look into some of the bells and whistles. While requiring a sunroof is debatable, some add-ons such as blind-spot monitors are exceptionally useful. They allow drivers to keep their eyes on the road and mirrors instead of needing to turn around.
There are several ways that blind-spot monitoring systems help you drive more safely. Sensors around the rear of the car identify obstructions for you, including road debris and other vehicles. Tones and indicator lights notify the driver that something is in the way so there’s plenty of time to stop the maneuver. Some more advanced models even adjust your driving by applying the brakes and shifting wheels away from the interfering object.
Don’t Drive Blind
When it comes to safe driving, it’s important to keep an eye on those blind spots. Use the SMOG driving method to remain aware of surrounding traffic. Look up some Angel View Mirror reviews to determine if a convex rear-view accessory would solve your issue as well. Using a blind-spot monitoring system will help give you an edge on the road, and may even improve your driving! No matter which way you choose, eliminating blind spots from your vehicle will go a long way to making sure you make it to your destination ready to roll!