How to use Grow lights for indoor plants?
Plants or trees can’t live without light because they prepare their food with the help of light. Therefore, sunlight is the primary source for providing light. Gardening is a common and most popular hobby to a good number of people. Things like Beauty of calathea plant give pleasure and refreshment to anybody by nature.
Now a day’s people are going to start indoor gardening. Thus, keeping plants in an indoor environment enhances the room’s beauty, and another side could be considered indoor gardening.
However, there is no way for indoor plants to get the sunlight then the trees could not survive. To fix up the problem here, grow light is a solution for growing up the plants. Moreover, here needs to follow some essential steps. In the following discussion, we described it very briefly.
The right color: It is the most crucial issue about the lighting. Sunlight contains a complete spectrum of color which helps plants to grow up and survive.
On the other hand, indoor plants here can help full-spectrum bulbs balance cold and warm environments like the sunlight. LED and fluorescent are available in the market, and both of them are efficient to give the natural solar spectrum.
According to Ashley Rosa, founder of mygardenings blog, LED grow light is better than HPS, HID or Fluorescent for growing indoor plants.
However, the LED is more available, and the performance, the price sound good for using as a grow light. The experts always recommend it for orchids, houseplants, indoor gardening.
Furthermore, here is some classification of the LEDs which are capable from a different perspective. Here listed out three of them.
LED: This is the pleasant version of LED. It is super-efficient. Compare to fluorescent bulbs, it consumes half of the electricity, and it is also 5x longer.
High-tech LED: It is the special version of LED. It is specially made for indoor plants. It provides a supernatural spectrum that is prominent for plants.
Mercury-free LED: This type is super earth-friendly. The lifetime of the LED is more than the typical ones. On the other hand, it is more durable.
Right intensity: After providing the proper light, you need to be more careful about managing the intensity. IF you fix up the light without caring about the intensity, you cannot get the proper results. Therefore, the trees will come to die. Then it would be best if you determined the brightness and closeness of the bulb. The shady forest doesn’t require more light.
Likewise, those plants grown up in dry and sunny climates needs more light. Here is some example that will give you an idea about the range of density of plants. Most vegetable plants need maximum light to bloom flowers and produce fruit.
Like some flower trees like orchids, citrus, gardenia is happy with maximum light. For African violets and begonias, here need 10 to 12 inches gap from the sunlight. Then Foliage plants need 36 inches light gap to consider to maintain the density.
At last, we need to be careful about the density based on the nature of the plants.
Suitable duration: In the presence of sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water, plants do their operation to make up the food and do other activities.
It is a part of plant respirate. From a biological perspective, there needs a rest time and growth time, and the time duration matters a lot for the producing flowers and fruit. Based on the nature of plants, there is a three-time frame to maintain the period to grow up the trees. For indoor planting, you must follow to regulate the time layout.
Day-nature plants: These kinds of plants need maximum sunlight, so they are called day nature plants. The plants require 8 to 12 hours of light all year-round. Foliage plants, geraniums, coleus, and African violets are examples of day-nature plants. So, to grow up in an indoor environment, you need to provide 8 -12 hours of light.
Long day plants: Long day plants need more light than the day nature plants. Here needs 14 to 18 hours of sunlight each day to survive. Garden flower and vegetable plants are like plants that need more and more light. If you cannot provide extended daylight for indoor planning purposes, they turn too pale and leggy. Thus, you cannot get the flowers, fruits, and vegetables from the plants.
Short-day plant: If you think you will choose a short-day plant, you need not bother about the light as much as other plants. Parallelly, it will reduce your electricity cost. For growing short-day plants, there needs less than 12 hours of sunlight. Chrysanthemums, kalanchoe, azaleas, and begonias are short-day plants. To set buds and flower, these plants need short daylight.
Many garden owners say that, in my gardening unable to see many flower and fruit trees which unable to set fruits and flowers. Furthermore, we were unable to find out the cause of it. Now it is clear that because of the time duration, it happens. Sometimes due to bad weather, we can get proper sunlight for growing the seeds. In this case, indoor lighting is a milestone to solve the essential issues very easily. Here you can regulate the light whenever you want.
Final verdict:
Indoor planting and gardening is a common practice nowadays. Since it was too hard to maintain the plant’s growth, the scientist reveals some ways and parameters to grow the trees domestically. As lighting is an important phenomenon, they invented various light types to support the lighting part.
After that, here need the right intensity and duration, which are standard parameters of plants, and the lighting process regulates them. Then, by following the process, it turns very swift and easy to planting. Eventually, then, this process is also followed by the farmers and other commercial tree frame owners. They could not grow the seeds due to lack of sunlight in previous years, but all of the above processes help solve the problem indeed, and it becomes more popular.