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Get Involved

We’re always looking to work on stories with members of our community.

If you’ve got a hot tip for a story, drop us an email to [email protected].

If you’re a recruiter, or recruiting in the film & TV industries, and you’d like us to profile your available position, drop us an email with the job spec, salary, and associated links to [email protected].

If you’ve got a new product or service of interest to our readers, send us your PR press release to [email protected].

If you’re fighting to save your show and you’ve got something to say about it, answer our questionnaire.

If you want to add your TV or film premiere to our calendar, send us a press release to [email protected].

If you’d like to add your film festival or screenwriters prize to our database, drop us an email to [email protected].

If you’re an awesome creator and you think you’d make a great candidate for our filmmaker, director, screenwriter, or just general great person of the day, drop us an email with details of your current project to [email protected].

Finally, we’re always looking to work with brands who think outside the box. Get in touch with your advertising and partnership ideas. [email protected]