What Types of Medical Tests Can be Done at Home
We are now faced with drastic changes that we have never thought of experiencing in the recent years. The global health crisis brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a lot from us, lives, jobs, and even our time supposed to be spent for leisure. Now more than ever, we have to remain vigilant in safeguarding our health and our family’s welfare.
The main change that we have faced is how the world shifted its work place at the comfort of our homes. A lot of employees were forced to work from home instead of working outside, going back and forth to their offices in the hopes of preventing the spread of the virus. Not only that, because of the increasing number of risks that one might get, a lot of services, especially for the health and well-being of citizens can now be down inside our homes.
At home health tests are now becoming the most comfortable way of monitoring an individuals’ status. Aside from it making us feel more comfortable, it is also way safer compared to us physically visiting the clinics of our doctors and/or hospitals. The question is what types of medical tests can we do at home that won’t require supervision of health professionals?
This is a physical examination that won’t be requiring much. You won’t be needing an equipment or machine to conduct height examinations. A measuring tape will suffice. You just have to ask help from a family member to double check your height while standing still in front of a wall.
Another type of physical examination that doesn’t require much. You just have to have a weighing scale, and you’re good to go. Measuring your weight doesn’t cost much. Weighing scales are really affordable and long-lasting when handled and used with care.
Temperature Check
Digital thermometers are now readily available on medical supplies stores or even pharmacies. This is the fastest way of measuring our temperature. It is important that we keep track of our body temperature because a sudden rise might connote an infection or a sudden change in our internal system.
Pulse Rate
Like a thermometer, a pulse oximeter is being used to monitor our pulse oxygen level. Specifically, COVID-19 positive patients are required to keep track of this. An unusual rise or decrease must always be monitored at home.
Blood Pressure
In checking blood pressure, there are readily available blood pressure monitors anywhere. Digital monitors are proven to be used easily. These types of equipment help us to keep track the changes in our blood pressure, especially if we are required to monitor it and if our health status demands.
Blood Sugar
Blood glucose meters are really common for people with underlying diseases that require the monitoring of their blood sugar. Diabetic people should observe a certain level of their blood sugar, hence, these types of equipment are really helpful in one way or another to them.