The 11th New Media Film Festival: Where technology meets creativity
Innovation in the film industry is often ignored, but deserves a space to be honored. As part of the United Nations C3 Millenium Project, the New Media Film Festival aims to shine a light on indie filmmakers trying to tell their stories while innovating the medium. Since 2009, the festival has given talented filmmakers a place to show their work and technology to industry officials.
Created by Susan Johnston, the mission of the festival is to “implement new opportunities outside the norm to bolster creators in media.” Within its first ten festivals, we’ve seen a film created by AI, an AR international art exhibit, and collaborative VR content. This is the festival for those looking to move forward in filmmaking technology.
The 11th New Media Film Festival is promising just as much innovation as past festivals when June 3rd and 4th roll around. So if you’re one of the indie filmmakers looking to use technology to surpass the medium, this is the festival you need to enter. We’ve discussed the festival before, but here’s a reminder of why this festival is for those who want to technologically advance.
The content shown is not just the same old movies and shorts
If your film is selected, it will be screened next to some insane talent this year. Already announced films include Where Did All the Squirrels Go? that combines 2D drawings, 3D animation, and some more VFX work, Brothers Across Borders where you make the decisions for a young Syrian refugee, and Popstar: Reflections which is a 360 VR music video.
This is not the same old schedule you’d see at any film festival. Whether you’re trying something new with the camera technology, the editing style, or the overall presentation of your project, you can show off your unique film with no issues.
Opportunities galore for the winners
Of course, the prizes have to make the entry fees worthwhile. If you manage to be the best, the Grand Prize includes a meeting with HBO, Arpix Media, and Marvel, studio time in LA, casting and post production services for your next project, and resource and production counseling. You also get an Apple wireless keyboard, but that’s not as important compared to the chance to get your name in Hollywood.
But even if you only get top prize in your category, it’s not awful either. You’ll get a shot at a distribution deal for your project, media and promotional assets to help promote your film, and a hand painted slate board. Top three in the script category also get $1,000 worth of industry perks. It doesn’t hurt to try and compete with the big boys.
Categories for every form
Plus, there’s so many categories, it’s not as hard for you to get a chance at success. The 25+ categories include Drone, Mixed Reality, AR, Steam, Socially Responsible, along with your usual Music Only, Shorts, Features, etc. You don’t have to worry about being stuck with 100 different other entries in your category if your film qualifies for a different one.
Nearly every category besides music only, photography only, and student is the same price as well. So you can enter your project in nearly any category for $90 before the New Media Film Festival’s deadline. So if you think you’re on the forefront of what’s new in film, submit your project on FilmFreeway before April 3rd, and get ready for the film festival June 3rd and 4th.