Top 10 student film festivals
Aiming to refashion the tendency of manufacturing dime-store mainstream flicks, followed by top film studios these days, the cinematography industry came up with quite a brilliant idea – throwing student film festivals, where young and talented college kids could present their unique, gripping creations. Today, aspiring students have received a perfect opportunity to realize their dreams and longings as well as assert themselves.
Engrossing and lively festivals for young filmmakers are quite different from those high-end movie events like the Academy Awards, where the hosts are so tempted to buy speech writing rather than be provided with the old-hat script by screenwriters. For college kids, student movie festivals are the way to their professional development as well as an outlet for their creativity. In addition, scripting can always improve your writing skills, or you can find the best essay writing service reviews for help and not think about it.
What are the world’s most popular student film festivals, then?
1. Los Angeles International Student Film Festival, California, USA
Nearly the most popular movie festival for students, the LA Student Film Festival centers around screening the works crafted by students.
As an affiliate festival of the Los Angeles Film Festival, which was launched in 2001, this youth-spirited festival is held to promote the development of young talents as well as encourage gifted students to make their extraordinary contribution to the silver screen industry.
2. Reality Bytes Independent Student Film Festival, Illinois, USA
Dating back to 2001, this student festival welcomes short fiction movies and documentaries from high-school, undergraduate, and graduate students. Held annually, Reality Bytes is sponsored by the Department of Communication of Northern Illinois University.
This festival provides bright and enthusiastic filmmakers with means and platform for realizing their skills in cinematographic art. The festival was established at the instigation of Laura Vazquez, a media production professor at Northern Illinois University.
3. CineYouth Film Festival, Illinois, USA
The mission of this inspirational festival is fostering and motivating creative students to nurture their filmmaking skills and capabilities. Founded in 2005, this popular festival has become a large medium for students to chase their longings and dreams.
Each year, the festival screens over 100 movies that should represent any of the following categories: animation, comedy, drama, documentary, horror, and thriller, experimental, or music video.
4. Seattle TransMedia & Independent Film Festival (STIFF), Washington, USA
Hosted at the city’s landmark bar, Rainier Brewer, STIFF has developed an attractive festival program including VR360 experiences, raves, and workshops.
The festival founders set the objective to cushion the downright intricate process of filmmaking for gifted beginners by equipping them with all necessary tools and technologies so they can demonstrate their cinematography art at its best.
5. WorldFest Houston, Texas, USA
Created in 1961 as the International Film Society, WorldFest Houston is today recognized as the oldest movie festival in the world. It expanded into an international event later in 1968, when its administration began inviting film directors from overseas to present their products at one the leading venue of the cinematography industry.
6. SIGGRAPH, California, USA
SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival has been titled as the Best Student Project and aimed at both educating and entertaining the audience through the implementation of innovative computer-generated graphics.
The festival accepts works based on computer graphics, encouraging the modern generation to contribute to the development and expansion of this branch of cinematography.
7. Sleepwalkers, Estonia
European countries are known well for their rich film festival culture, too. Estonia is proud to host one of the most popular festivals in Europe – Sleepwalkers, which yearly gathers thousands of avid young moviemakers studying at colleges in every corner of the world. Sleepwalkers screens documentaries, short and medium-length flicks, and animated movies.
8. Molodist, Ukraine
As the biggest merit of the cinematography of Ukraine, Molodist traces its origins back to 1970, when it was first held as a two-day film festival. From Ukrainian, “molodist” is translated as “youth,” which resonates with its target audience and adds to its remarkable image among young people.
The festival has witnessed the debuts of many hitherto beginning European directors whose films, presented at the event, later brought them universal fame and recognition.
9. Angers Premiers Plans Film Festival, France
Focusing mainly on students’ works, this festival doesn’t set requirements of the length of the movies it accepts. Angers Premiers Plans welcomes both short films and full-length films. As a special prize, the festival offers some good cash to the winner whose creation receives the widest acclaim from the jury board.
10. Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival
This well-acknowledged movie festival doesn’t limit the genre variety of the films it features — Tel Aviv International Student Festival accepts documentaries, fiction movies, animated films, short films. All the participants of the event fall into two categories: Israeli competitors and international competitors.
It’s a Wrap!
Film festivals for young talented students who learn moviemaking is a golden opportunity for college kids to gain a foothold of this trade. Thanks to the creative and rather benevolent leaders of the industry, it doesn’t take much for the young to hit it out of the park in modern cinematography.
All it takes is strong artistic insight and unrestrained enthusiasm for bringing life to the silver screen!