Laws and rules about CBD cannabis in Switzerland
Today, it is legal and easy to find different CBD flower online on several websites, you will get your CBD products delivered to your doorstep in no time!
Cannabis containing more than 1% THC
Cannabis that has over 1 % THC is prohibited in Switzerland. Since 2013, adults of full age can be punished with a fine of 100 francs if they consume cannabis. However, possessing up to a maximum of 10 grams of cannabis for one’s own consumption is not punishable. For minors, the criminal law of minors applies.
By introducing the procedure relating to fines, the legislator wanted to unify criminal proceedings throughout Switzerland against cannabis users and reduce administrative and legal costs. This objective was only partially achieved; large differences remain between the cantons concerning this procedure’s application.
Cannabis containing less than 1% THC
CBD oils and CBD flowers which contain a high level of cannabidiol and a THC level > 1 %, can be sold and acquired legally. CBD is, along with THC, the primary cannabinoid in cannabis. While THC is responsible for the intoxicating effect of cannabis, CBD has no psychotropic effect and is therefore not considered by the law on narcotic products.
Learn more about cannabidiol
CBD cannabis, or hemp, has over 500 substances et over 90 cannabinoids in its formulation.
The main cannabinoids are THC and CBD, and it is well-known that CBD is not a drug and that it reduces the psychotropic effect of THC. It is not subject to the law on narcotics.
Among products with a low THC content, it is mostly those with a high CBD content gaining importance. Supply and demand are increasing rapidly. Discussions are currently focused on the potential therapeutic properties of CBD (antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, anticonvulsants, antiemetics, anxiolytics or antipsychotics).
Its medicinal effect is not yet sufficiently proven by research (see also Use of cannabis for medical purposes ).
Specialised circles are also investigating whether cannabis containing a lot of CBD and less than 1% THC can reduce risks or treat problematic cannabis use.
CBD hemp resin (Hashish)
It is forbidden to sell hemp resin (hashish). These products are prohibited even if they contain less than 1% THC. Products of this type still available for sale must immediately be withdrawn from the market and returned to the cantonal pharmacist for destruction.
Are you allowed to consume cannabis containing CBD and less than 1% THC on public roads (parks, terraces, etc.)?
As indicated on the website of the Federal Office of Public Health (OFSP), under the “Cannabis low in THC and CBD”:
Hemp contains more than 80 cannabinoids and more than 400 other substances. The main cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The latter, which is not intoxicating, reduces the psychotropic effect of THC. It is not subject to the law on narcotics.
Among products with a low THC content, it is primarily those with a high CBD content gaining importance. Supply and demand are increasing rapidly. Discussions are currently focused on the potential therapeutic properties of CBD (antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, anticonvulsants, antiemetics, anxiolytics or antipsychotics). Its medicinal effect is not yet sufficiently proven by research.
Specialized circles are also investigating whether cannabis containing a lot of CBD and less than 1% THC can reduce risks or treat problematic cannabis use.
It is clarified and detailed under” legal status “of the” CBD Factsheet:
Hemp flowers high in CBD, but contain less than 1% THC, are not subject to the narcotics law. They are considered as tobacco substitutes and as such subject to tobacco tax. Other products containing CBD are governed by the Swiss legislation applicable to them (food, cosmetics, everyday objects, chemicals).
Since it is impossible to visually distinguish legal cannabis from illegal cannabis, the police usually seize low THC cannabis and analyze it in the laboratory. It is then returned when the result of the analysis shows that it is not illegal cannabis.
Due to the legal situation, the police would like to have a quick test to distinguish between low THC cannabis and high THC cannabis. CBD is not an active ingredient authorized as a medicine. Therefore, CBD products cannot be presented or sold as medicines. E-cigarette liquids containing CBD are not permitted.
In collaboration with Swissmedic, the Federal Office of Public Health has published an information leaflet on CBD products. It also gives an overview of the legal framework. “E-cigarette liquids containing CBD are not permitted. In collaboration with Swissmedic, the Federal Office of Public Health has published an information leaflet on CBD products.
It also gives an overview of the legal framework. “E-cigarette liquids containing CBD are not permitted. In collaboration with Swissmedic, the Federal Office of Public Health has published an information leaflet on CBD products. It also gives an overview of the legal framework.
Here is the information leaflet referred to above “Products Containing Cannabidiol (CBD): Overview and Enforcement”.
“[… ] for the police it is impossible to distinguish the illegal herb, with a high THC content, from the legal one. “1% THC or more, it is impossible to differentiate with the eye or the touch.
Therefore, the agents are obliged to send the product to the laboratory to test it when they question a person in their possession—thoughtful and expensive analyses.
Around 500 francs “and more” for each of the checks. The State covers these costs if it turns out that the THC level is much lower than the authorized level. On the other hand, if the examination confirms that it exceeds the threshold of 1%, it is up to the apprehended person to pay the costs.”
Once you have read and understood what the law says, it is easy to find websites online, the suggestion is to choose the certified ones, like Justbob for exemple, you will get your CBD products delivered to your doorstep in zero time.