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How to Ride Ebikes with Children

Many bike riders can’t explicitly recollect the first time they rode a bike. But what has kept them riding to date is the feeling of freedom and joy they get from cycling. And because of this feeling, many are eager to introduce their kids to cycling. 

In most cases, a kid’s initial introduction to cycling is just as a passenger on their parent’s bike. Pediatricians believe that at the young age of 12 months, a child can accompany their parents on a bicycle. And at the age of two, a child should be able to ride a balance bike. However, a child’s development varies from one to the next. So, ensure you talk to your pediatrician before getting your kid on a bike. 

In this article, you’ll learn various tips you can use when riding power-assisted bikes with your kids. You’ll also realize several methods of riding an electric bike with your children alongside their pros and cons. 


Riding with kids can be fun and amazed. Be it as a passenger on your bike or riding theirs. To keep up the fun and safety, you must follow and apply these general tips. 

Wear Helmets

The importance of a helmet cannot be over-stressed. Your brain is the most delicate part of your body, and it needs all the protection it can get. So wearing a helmet is non-negotiable. Setting a rule of “no helmet, no cycling” should do the trick to make sure your kids always wear their helmets. 

Please ensure that the helmet fits properly and is comfortable to wear. If not, it will be hard to get your kids to wear them no matter how hard you try. Note that wearing an uncomfortable helmet doesn’t fully protect the head or take the fun of cycling. 

Carry Out Pre-Ride Checks

Ensure you perform all pre-ride checks on your electric bike before taking your children on a ride. Check your air, brakes, and chain. Also, make sure the same pre-ride check on your children’s e-bikes and get them involved in the process. 

You should make pre-ride checks as it’s a vital part of your routine and instill them in your kids. Don’t forget to be creative and add some fun into the checking, so the entire process doesn’t come off bores. 

Route Planning

You can never be too safe with your child’s safety. Ensure you plan your cycling route before setting out. Avoid busy trails and roads to ensure safe cycling and more enjoyable rides. 

Don’t Forget the Essentials.

Be prepared for the unexpected. Electric bikes can develop faults during rides, killing the fun of cycling. However, you will enable to rescue the situation if you equip with an extensive e-bike repair kit. 

Asides from the repair kit, there are a few additions you will have to take with you since you will be cycling with a child. These include;

  • Water: You should have water in excess as it can never be too much. 
  • Snacks: You should also have more than enough. 
  • Extra layer 
  • Hats and Sunscreens 

Teach Trail Rules and Etiquette of The Road

It’s necessary to teach your kids proper road etiquette. They need to learn how to navigate through traffic and conduct themselves on the trail. It will help to build your kid’s confidence as well as ensure safety on the road. 

Some of the road etiquette and rules include: 

  • Recognizing and acknowledging other road users 
  • Riding on the right-hand side of trails 
  • Following traffic rules
  • Right-hand signals when riding bikes on the road
  • When to walk instead of riding 

These trail rules and road etiquette are simple for adults to follow because it has registered in our subconscious. However, that’s not the case for children. They will be learning something new in an intimidating environment, which can make it difficult. 


Riding with a non-cycling kid can be done in several ways on your electric bike. Electric bikes are suitable for this task. That is because the electric bike motor negates the extra weight and resistance offered by the child. 

The following are three of the most common ways to ride with non-cycling children:

Bike Seats

Additional bike seats can be attached to your electric bike to allow the child to ride with you. The advantage of this is that kids can ride alone very close to you, allowing you to explore and converse on the adventure. You can attach a bike seat either at the front or back of electric bikes. But, not all bikes have both features. Check your owner’s manual to see which of the features your electric bike supports. 

Also, make sure that your e-bike can support the combined weight of you and your child, including other materials. Confirm you don’t exceed your bike’s weight limit. 


An alternative to bike seats is a trailer, and their popularity continues to grow in the cycling space. Parents can easily transport their kids (six years and below) using trailers. The use of trailers does not also affect riding as bike seats do. Trailers are lower to the ground, making them a safer option for kids than bike seats. You should carefully consider the pros and cons of trailers before you decide to get one. 

Tows and Tagalongs

Tagalongs are usually attached to bikes allowing kids to pedal independently but still relying on you for control and balance. Tagalongs are best for children between the age of four and nine years. On the other hand, tows come in various forms. Some tows lift the kid’s wheel from the ground while some act as a vehicle tow rope, leaving the kid in control of their direction. 


Finally, the primary goal of cycling should always be to have fun while at it. Otherwise, your children wouldn’t want to be out there. There’s also the need for you to get all the factors right. The destination, length of trip, enough breaks, sufficient water and do not forget a break snack. 

These are vital in making the cycling experience fun and enjoyable. With all in place, your children will be happy to go out there and ride over and over again. 

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