What Is the New York Dispensary License?
Since cannabis is legalized in New York State now, it is a good opportunity for entrepreneurs who are planning to establish a cannabis business in the state. However, before starting the commercial distribution of cannabis, there are several licenses that you need to acquire. Some examples of these licenses can be a New York dispensary license, Adult-use conditional processor license, etc.
Licenses you need to acquire before starting a cannabis business in New York
- Adult-use micro business license: Adult-use micro business license is a type of cannabis license that is required by someone who has a micro business of cannabis. Microbusinesses of cannabis are a new type of business.
Hence, such businesses need this license to do the commercial marketing of cannabis or products made from cannabis. You can acquire this license from the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
If you can acquire this license, you will be allowed to have up to five cultivation sites and processing sites. It will also include all the retail stores and outlets of your micro business.
To acquire an adult-use micro business license, you will have to pay an application fee and a background fee. Keep in mind that you have to pay both fees before you are granted the adult-use micro business license.
- Adult-use nursery license: If you acquire a nursery license, you will be allowed to buy seeds of cannabis, grow and sell cannabis plants, and buy or sell other items that are required for the cultivation of cannabis.
This license is called a nursery license because usually, people get this license to grow small amounts of cannabis. They use this cannabis for personal use rather than commercial selling.
To acquire a nursery license, you have to own a nursery. It can be a stand-alone nursery or it can be a part of a licensed premise. Examples of a licensed premise can be cultivation rooms, grow spaces, etc that have licensed facilities.
- Adult-use delivery license: If you are planning to start a business cannabis delivery service, you will have to acquire an adult-use delivery license. This license will be issued to your business by the New York state-licensed businesses.
To acquire an adult-use delivery license, all the delivery drivers of your company must be 21 years of age or older. Apart from that, all the delivery drivers must have a driver’s valid license. Plus, the delivery drivers must also have a valid medical cannabis card.
In addition to all this, all the delivery drivers of your company have to pass an FBI background check. Once the drivers can clear the background check, they can be hired as delivery drivers for a cannabis delivery service.
- Adult-use retail dispensary: This license is also known as the New York dispensary license. You can acquire this license by applying for this license to the Department of Health DOH.
To acquire the New York dispensary license, there are some criteria that you need to fulfill first. For the New York dispensary license, there must be a retail store possessed by you. You have to make sure that this retail store sells only cannabis products to adults that are 21 years of age or older.
You also have to make sure that there is no commercial sale of products from this retail store that are non-cannabis products. You can also sell other accessories related to cannabis products like bongs, rolling papers, pipes, etc. However, you cannot sell any smoking utensils in this retail store.
Apart from that, you have to make sure that the location of your retail store is not within 500 feet of a school playground, public playground, youth center, daycare center, or any other places where children are present in large numbers.
Also, you cannot have your cannabis store cannot be within 200 feet of a place of worship like a church or a shrine.
Plus, your retail store must also have DOH-approved security plans before you open it to the general public. Keep in mind that you have to update these security plans every 6 months.
Security plans include recording the activity of cameras placed inside and outside of the stores, including windows, exits, and entrances. They also include alarms on doors that lead into the cash registers’ rooms. Thus, a lot goes into acquiring a New York dispensary license.
- Adult-use Cooperative license: If you wish you can also open a cannabis cooperative. A cooperative is a type of business that is controlled by the members that own the business.
The members of a cooperative are elected by the business owners. Thus, a board is created through elections. Then this board looks after the everyday operations and functions of the cooperative.
A cooperative can be a for-profit or a non-profit organization. A cooperative can also be a corporation, a limited liability company, a limited partnership, a trust, or any other legal entity.
For establishing a cannabis cooperative, first, you will have to acquire a membership fee from everyone interested in becoming a member of the cooperative.
After that, all the members of the cooperative will have to pay annual dues every year. The annual due of each member will depend on the type of membership category they have selected.
- Adult-use On-site consumption: This is one of the most important New York cannabis licenses. With this license, a person will be able to consume cannabis or cannabis-infused products in a public place.
Thus, if you wish to have pure cannabis in a public place, you will need to acquire this license first.
Cannabis Cultivation Consulting
If you want to establish a successful cannabis business in the New York state, but you are confused about the licenses and legal processes, you can seek the help of Cannabis Cultivation Consulting.
Cannabis Cultivation Consulting is a firm that helps budding entrepreneurs who want to establish a successful cannabis business in New York. Once you seek the help of this firm, they will help you in completing all the legal processes related to the cannabis business.
Not just that, but they will also provide you with license application templates. Thus, Cannabis Cultivation Consulting will make your work effortless.