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What You Need to Know About Waterproofing Your Home

Waterproofing your house is an essential step that should be done while building the house. So many of us know the theory behind waterproofing our walls but most of us fail to actually do it.

If your house has a basement, it is even more important to keep moisture out. Did you know that more than 60% of basements have a moisture problem and 38% of basements grow fungus or moulds?

Not only do these things ruin the look of your house, but they also degrade the quality. In order to ensure a dry and pleasant environment, here are some tips you should know about waterproofing your home.

Why do you need to waterproof your walls?

Dampness or leaky walls is a common problem in almost all households. It mostly happens in the bathroom ceilings or in the walls adjacent to the toilets. However, dampness can occur almost anywhere in the house, given the correct environment for moisture growth.

When things get worse, you see the development of fungus or paint chipping off the walls. Leaky walls are especially common during the monsoons when the air is already damp and wet. Damp walls give a pretty depressing look to your house and can even harm your health in the long run.

Which areas require waterproofing?

The main area of waterproofing should be your bathroom. The reason is pretty simple- it’s the room that accumulates the largest amount of water throughout the year. Even a tiny bit of seepage or leak can not only impact the bathroom walls but also the walls of any room adjacent to it.

As mentioned earlier, factors like moisture in the air can also contribute to leaking walls. In this case, it’s a good idea to waterproof all the damp walls in your house.

Even if the leakage is tiny, it’s always good to treat the problem as early as possible. If you see your ceiling getting damp, you can also treat this problem by waterproofing it properly. This will save you a lot of trouble and money in the long run.

How do you waterproof your walls?

A lot of trouble goes behind waterproofing your walls. You wouldn’t want an unreliable person to carry out the work and then suffer from leakage problems just a month or two later, right? This is why you should opt for a company that specializes in waterproofing houses. Bayset waterproofing supplies come in a variety of different waterproofing membranes.

From WPA 500 Based Undertile Waterproofing membrane to waterproofing tapes, you can purchase the right kind of products to keep your house from leaking. The workers at Bayset are also highly experienced. They will carefully remove the existing putty on your damp walls and smoothen the layers underneath.

After that, they will apply a waterproof solution to cover up the cracks and reapply a thick layer of putty, primer, and paint.

Waterproofing materials

If you are confused regarding the materials used to waterproof your home, here is a list of common items that are applied.

Epoxy and grout – Epoxy and grout can be used in houses that are already in operation but have developed cracks. These chemicals are added to the cracks or fissures directly, or via holes drilled on the surfaces. A sealant is made that prevents water from seeping through.

Vinyl ester resin – These chemicals are mostly applied to surfaces made of concrete. They help to protect against acid or corrosion. The resin creates a waterproof membrane that protects the walls against moisture.

Polyurethane – Polyurethane is used to waterproof roofs or other areas that are exposed. This is one of the costliest products used to waterproof houses.

Bituminous asphalt – In order to protect concrete structures, bituminous or asphalt coatings are used. The fibre content in the chemical, as well as the polymer being used, affects the quality of the asphalt.

Acrylic polymer – Acrylic polymers are commonly used to waterproof houses. They are also used to fix leaking terraces. To leak the fractures properly, this polymer is blended with cement while building the house.

Over to you…

No matter which material you use to waterproof your home, make sure the products being used, as well as the worker doing the fixing, are both competent. For this reason, Bayset is the ideal choice for all your waterproofing problems. Contact them now for an inspection and repair any leakage before it’s too late.

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