Prince Philip has died: Mourn the royal with these dark humor memes
We all grieve in our own way. Some of us cry, some of us sulk, some of us go numb . . . and some of us look at memes. Dark humor memes, and the darker the better. Here at Film Daily, we know everybody processes death differently, so no judgment here.
All this to say: Prince Philip just died. And if you think the internet isn’t overflowing with memes – the dark humor kind – about it, then you must not be very familiar with how things work online. Allow us to introduce you to the world wide web then. Today’s class is Dark Humor Memes About Prince Philip’s Death 101.
Made a quick meme, rip prince Philip pic.twitter.com/mxk7qYn0i4
— Geitman Nijs?✒?️? (@DionysToussaint) April 9, 2021
Setting the tone
Yikes! I know we said this would be all about dark humor, but surely there were slightly gentler memes to ease ourselves into the subject. Anyway, you think The Crown is to blame for all this animosity against Prince Philip?
Roll the prince philip memes… pic.twitter.com/eODpu94oza
— Truman Show (@QuantumShift3) April 9, 2021
They (used to) live
All the bubblegum in the world won’t change the fact that Prince Philip outlived Roddy Piper. Think about that for a while.
rip prince philip. feeling guilty rn for laughing at this meme. pic.twitter.com/400rKvhJcy
— Mario Pini (@mariopini99) April 9, 2021
Love after love
You laugh now, but let’s be honest: when most of us hit seventy, we’ll probably look closer to Prince Philip than we will to Cher.
The British press trying to figure out how to blame Meghan for prince philip’s death.. pic.twitter.com/CDDLvhUPrL
— UKbanter (@UKBanterMemes) April 9, 2021
Tabloids assemble!
Standard memes are built around a kernel of truth. Dark humor memes take that kernel and shove it down your throat. You know it’s only a matter of time before The Daily Mail or one of those other British papers whips up a nasty headline involving Meghan.
Josh made a meme. #PrincePhilip #princephilipisdead #meghanmarkle pic.twitter.com/sW6I2eQtLM
— Jamie Jackson (@jamiecjackson_) April 9, 2021
Semi-solved mystery
It’s a multipurpose classic!
The Queen getting ready to execute all of Black Twitter for treason after the Prince Philip memes ?? pic.twitter.com/cdK4m3Cmjl
— YCJ (@yohanldn) April 9, 2021
Royal stare
Every action has an equal opposite reaction. Just ask Hamilton’s Thomas Jefferson.
Prince Harry after he sees the memes for Prince Philip: pic.twitter.com/waX18WHqa6
— ???? (@ReloadedZuko) April 9, 2021
Shake your head “yes”
We generally love Harry, but there’s no going back after that Oprah interview.
Somebody said “rest in peace Prince Philip, gone too soon”??? pic.twitter.com/J3sjuhPv2F
— UKbanter (@UKBanterMemes) April 9, 2021
Define “too soon”
Come on, guys. He was almost 100.
Prince Philip, thanks for the memes but… pic.twitter.com/0Wqhoa3YIL
— ?CHAMP19NS? ??????? (@IVXPro) April 9, 2021
Closing time
They’ve turned on the lights, turned the music off . . .
The meme potential of Prince Philip sends me pic.twitter.com/pej8Th4amX
— Deniega (@ASadThingPerson) April 9, 2021
We live in a society
There’s a reason why Joaquin Phoenix won the Oscar for his portrayal of The Joker: he managed to embody the dark humor memes attitude.
The MI5 taking notes of everyone making memes of #PrincePhilip death pic.twitter.com/Z3JJzZrMlk
— +44 (@44Javz) April 9, 2021
Big Brother
To be fair, they’re going to get us for one thing or another. We’re past the point of no return when it comes to nasty internet jokes.
Prince Philip watching us making memes about his death pic.twitter.com/uWPjfclm7w
— STREAM OKO BY AJR ✡︎ (@SimpForBeast) April 9, 2021
Peace & understanding
Of course, this meme lovingly assumes Prince Philip made it to heaven.