Top 7 films about writers
How many movies based on books and works by famous writers do we know? Probably a lot! But some filmmakers do not only make films based on cult novels. They create quality fiction and documentaries about the authors themselves. Some of them are fictional, and some of them are not!
1. “Freedom Writers”
This movie is notable because it takes not only the book as its basis but also a real story. Even though there are no real masters of words spinning in the lead roles, “Freedom Writers” is worthy of a place on the list, as it tells the story of the hard lives of kids from dysfunctional families and neighborhoods who have to overcome their demons.
Students think not only about who will write my research paper, but also about the injustice of the world that tortures them. They pour their thoughts onto paper, into their diaries. The written line can shake the ground. Will they succeed?
2. “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly”
The story is based on an autobiographical book by the French editor Jean-Dominique Bauby who at the age of 43 was almost completely paralyzed due to a stroke. The only moving part of his body is his left eye. This gives Jean-Dominique the ability to communicate using a special alphabet.
The heartfelt story of the suffering of a writer trapped in his own body has garnered numerous awards and received well-deserved critical acclaim. For the role of Jean-Dominique Bauby, Mathieu Amalric won his second César award.
3. “Saving Mr. Banks”
Walt Disney dreams of getting the rights to the film adaptation of Mary Poppins. After twenty years of persuasion, writer Pamela Travers, being on the verge of bankruptcy, finally agrees to come to Los Angeles to hear Walt’s ideas. Their conflict is followed by flashbacks to the past of Pamela, where the truth about where her book characters came from is hiding.
A charming film with equal parts sadness and funny. And the tragicomic duo of Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks makes you fall in love at first sight. The picture is filled with allusions to both the book “Mary Poppins” and the 1964 Disney picture of the same title.
4. “Tolkien”
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien is the author of the famous Lord of the Rings trilogy that changed literature forever. Tolkien is the one who invented the rich world of Middle-earth, its detailed history, and the magical creatures that live in that world. Fans of the popular writer’s work have been eagerly awaiting the release of the film, which tells the story of Tolkien’s life.
The plot of the biographical drama focuses on the writer’s teenage years – the time before the First World War. This movie shows what challenges he had to go through in his school years, how he tried to find friends and love. Later on, these memories inspired him to write a number of novels about the world of Middle-earth.
The film will leave you with a pleasant aftertaste and you will definitely want to get some books by the author in your hands. Also worth noting here is that Tolkien is not just about hobbits, but about many other interesting pieces, such as The Christmas Grandfather’s Letters.
5. “Capote”
A terrible crime takes place in Kansas in November 1959 when two murderers break into the Clutter house and kill four people. The famous writer Truman Capote, after reading it in the newspaper, decides to talk to witnesses and criminals to try to reconstruct an objective picture of what happened.
Over the four years, the sophisticated intellectual Capote has regular conversations with Perry’s killer. The result of a detailed analysis and clarified circumstances is a documentary novel, Cold-Blooded Murder, which will go onto America’s list of the one hundred best detective works of all time.
6. “Becoming Jane”
The film is a must-see for anyone who loves such pictures as “Pride and Prejudice,” “Marie Antoinette,” “The Duchess” and other costume melodramas that transport the viewer to the romantic atmosphere of the past. “Jane Austen” starring Anne Hathaway and James McAvoy, is the perfect movie to watch in “plaid wine handkerchiefs” mode.
It is an incredibly moving love story of a young but very talented writer and a charming but very narcissistic aristocrat. The aesthetics of the film, from Miss Austen’s gowns and bonnets to the interiors and gardens behind which the dialogue takes place, will make you rush to the bookstore after the screening to get a couple or three of the best Austen novels for your book collection.
7. “Finding Neverland”
A great movie for family viewing or a cozy evening in the company of tea and homemade pastries. The plot centers on the story of the creation of James Barry’s famous tale called “Peter Pan”. A heartwarming piece filled with goodness and magic from the first to the last frame will take you to the beautiful world of childhood when every fantasy finds its essence thanks to a child’s imagination.
The role of the famous writer was played by Johnny Depp, and the mother of the charming tomboys was embodied on the screen by Kate Winslet. This wonderful film is made to stop time for a while and think about how fast the years fly by, how imperceptibly childhood passes by, and how important it is to appreciate what we have here and now.