How to Choose the Right Car Shipping Company for You
Finding the right cheap car shipping company for your vehicle can be difficult when you are unsure what to look for or where to steer clear. The type of car also may make you question what to do in particular for your dream car, a cross-country move, or any other reason. Car Shipping Carrier is a car transport company that you can trust in shipping your vehicle anywhere in the United States.
Shipping vehicles is usually the best option and if you choose to ship your automobile, it can save your car from wear and tear because it will not be traveling as many miles or at high speeds. As an alternative, shipping services can bring your vehicle from point A to B whenever needed while keeping your tires, dashboard, and windshield safe against potential risks.
Searching for Online Options
You can go online and search for car shipping companies, but it is challenging to sift through what you find without knowing what is legit and what is a scam. In today’s tech-savvy world, everything can be done online, including booking and confirmation. Your best first step is searching for reviews and figuring out which car transport services could be scamming you.
The difference is knowing how to identify a scam, and the biggest red flag is how payments or deposits are required. Legitimate companies do not typically request fees or deposits up front because they will have your car as collateral. Fees are then paid after the car has reached its destination.
Fees can also vary based on various factors, including mileage, vehicle specifics, seasonal conditions, whether it runs, and whatever else a company tells you. Going for the most inexpensive is also not always the best option, especially considering carriers pick up a job based on their pay rate. Selecting a company that is about average for cost will be your best bet in terms of carrier selection.
Check Your Insurance
Always check for available insurance from both your carrier and your private insurance company. Carriers are required to have at least liability insurance. Coverage amounts can vary, so you will want to make sure the coverage they offer is at least equal to what you can expect to pay to replace your car if something happens. If the coverage is less than your car, you will want to look at other companies.
You will also want to verify your private insurance to see what coverage they will provide. It is not required that you have personal insurance coverage to hire a car transport company, but it is better to have it as a precaution. Once confirmed, obtaining vehicle transport services can be as simple as making a phone call.
Your insurance company may also have preferred carriers that they work with for discounts or extra coverage perks, so it’s a good idea to call them early in your search process. Extended warranties may also be an option, especially if your car is used. Most used cars do not still have the manufacturer warranty, so having a warranty could be helpful. Additionally, some policies help cover car shipping expenses, which can help get your car from point A to point B.
Calculate the Cost
You may still be wondering if driving your car to its destination is cheaper than shipping your car. Assuming you’ve found the right car shipping company for you, you will want to calculate the costs for getting the job done.
If you choose to drive, you will have to pay for gas, lodging, snacks, and any other expenses that come up along the way. What happens if you get a flat tire or have some other vehicular issue along your drive? That needs to be added to the costs, too.
Once you have calculated your costs for traveling, you’ll want to calculate the shipping costs you can expect from the shipping company. Closed car transport gives you peace of mind, but the cost of shipping container is also more expensive, so that is something to consider. You will also want to investigate the costs of additional insurance coverage if that’s an option at the company you chose. Add everything up, and most find that shipping is typically cheaper for a significant move.
Making a Final Decision
Do not make a rushed decision and compare multiple company quotes. Read through reviews and see if anyone you know has a recommendation to make. Use social media as a tool and ask people what their experiences have been.
Take the time to search for online options and research to ensure that the companies you are considering aren’t going to be scams. Compare fees against your budget. Remember to check your insurance coverage to see what will be covered in a worst-case scenario.
In the end, calculate your cost to reflect what you need, including shipping and insurance, compared to driving to your destination. Once you have got it all figured out, you’ll be ready to choose the right car shipping company to fill your needs.