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The Best Movies On Finance And Financial Crisis That Every Investor Needs To Watch

Movies are one of the most effective methods to learn new things. When it comes to financial concerns and items, watching financial-related movies is one of the main ways for investors to learn more about the crisis process and how it works. 

It is also worth noting that movies, in many circumstances, reflect reality, which is especially true in the case of documentary films. In this article, we’ll tell you about the top movies on finance and the financial crisis that every investor should see.

The Big Short

The film, based on Michael Lewis’ best-selling book, is perhaps the most well-known depiction of the events leading up to the financial crisis. 

There have been several films based on popular nonfiction books on the financial crisis before The Big Short. Too Big To Fail, created by Andrew Ross Sorkin and starring a star-studded ensemble, aired on HBO in 2011. 

The customers of Burry’s short plays get more enraged and terrified as banks and creditors insist that the housing market is stable – and prices do continue to rise. A suspension on withdrawals from the fund is put in place when customers want their money back, further infuriating them.

Margin Call

The story begins with an everyday occurrence at a brokerage firm simply referred to as “The Firm” throughout the movie. People must be laid off because of a decrease in profits. All except the finest will be laid off from “The Firm” on lay-off day today. Another manager to be fired is Eric Dale (played by Stanley Tucci). Peter Sullivan is Dale’s pupil and he gives over one of his projects to him as he leaves. Peter finds a terrifying figure when reviewing the project later that night, and he fears for the future of the seemingly indestructible corporation.

Procedural and psychological drama await the power brokers in the following several hours as they devise a strategy to deal effectively with the financial crisis, as it’s shown here, and then implement it. Rather than condemning these individuals as one would expect, Chandor does a great job of giving them human characteristics despite the circumstances they live in. Certainly, there is a lot of greed to go around. They may come off as sympathetic or at the very least attractive in their performances. You wonder at what point in their lives fame and fortune developed a corrupting effect on these actors’ performances.

Over 36 hours amid the financial crisis, Margin Call takes place at a Manhattan bank. Stanley Tucci plays a bank risk analyst who warns a new hire, Zachary Quinto, that the bank is on the verge of bankruptcy owing to questionable practices in the area of mortgage lending. The bank’s interest in the public’s well-being becomes more apparent as the issue rises the ranks and individuals race to protect their interests.

Inside Job

As a thriller, it’s as engrossing as any. Ferguson tells a harrowing tale with the help of some great interviewees. Alan Greenspan, the powerful chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board from 1987 to 2006, was a major force behind the deregulation of financial markets and services in the 1980s. They were free to gamble with their depositors’ money; they were free to borrow and to offer investors complex financial instruments with income streams from different debts bundled together.

Things became wild. The banks exploded in size. As an incentive for high risk-taking, company devotion, and a neurotically driven quest for profit, they gave their traders mind-blowing bonuses. With credit default swaps, banks were permitted to insure against bad loans by purchasing several insurance policies against the same risk. The banks now had a financial incentive in marketing outrageously hazardous goods, since they were lavishly insured with these swaps. This was a chilling development.

Ferguson’s assertion that the financial crisis tainted the study of economics is perhaps the most shocking component of this movie. American Ivy League university economic experts were hired by banks to write studies sycophantically endorsing the deregulation of the economy. These consultations came with hefty fees. The professors’ reputations and the reputations of their institutions were purchased by the banks. Many of these economists were surprised to learn that Ferguson was interviewing them as though they were witty, objective observers. When they realize they’re on the dock, the look of amazement, fury, and terror on their faces is quite moving. Angry splutters and a delicious Freudian slip are heard. “I have no remarks… um, no regrets,” he responds when asked by Ferguson whether he regrets his actions.

This is the “inside job” that Ferguson is referring to. A revolving door exists between the banks and the highest levels of government, and even inside the halls of higher education. To keep their former employers happy, bank CEOs become elected politicians, enacting policies that benefit them.

What happened and who was affected by the catastrophe are examined in detail in a 2010 Oscar-winning documentary, narrated by Matt Damon. It covers everything from Iceland’s deregulation, the housing boom, and the credit default swap, through the fall of Lehman Brothers. Finally, it examines the arguments for who should be held responsible and what the country’s alternatives are under the Obama administration at the time.

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