Tips to Take Care of A Construction Hoist
Constructions hoist is famous as personnel hoist, construction elevators, material hoists, and man-lifts. These things are common on any construction site, like while constructing skyscrapers, a mall, or any such building that demands heavy tools, materials between floors, equipment, etc.
Let’s first understand what a hoist is!
A hoist is a lifting device often used for moving or lifting material, especially on construction sites. The force here comes from a wheel or drum, where the pulley is a chain, rope, or wire.
Different types of hoists
While talking about the hoist they are of various kinds, like:
- Manual operated
- Lever Operated
- Pendant Cranes
- Electric- hydraulic
- Base mounted
To talk about similarities and differences, they may look different when they move, but the preventive measures taken while caring for them are the same. One thing you should never miss is the set of recommendations you receive from the manufacturer of the hoist you use.
When exactly should you check on your construction hoist?
- Every day- Keep a regular eye on ropes, hooks, limit switches, and brakes for any damage.
- Before carrying a load- Check all hooks before lifting any load. If you find anything damaged, eroded, or wear and tear, replace them immediately. Remove any kind of defective items to avoid any accidents.
- From time to time, call experts to check the hoists or as suggested by the manufacturers.
- Plan to prehend the hoist’s detailed inspection.
- Never disapprove of the manufacturer’s suggestions.
- If any part is functioning below average or not at all working, get it removed or replace it.
- Never cross the limit of safe load.
How should you use a materials hoist safely?
- Learn about the safe load limit, especially for hoists. In any circumstances, never cross it.
- Lubrication of chain and wire ropes is important.
- The process of hoisting should never be from the lowest or middle area of the hook. It should go from the highest part. Hooked in this way, the support comes directly and stays stable with the hook shank.
- Remember to hoist from the load only, or it will swing or not be stable when lifted.
- The hook shank and load should always remain in the same line whenever you have to load the lower hook. The reason here is too simple- it makes the load chain perpendicular. The hook shank and the lower hook remain in a single line here.
- If the hoist you use operates by a lever, the advantage is that you can pull it in any direction by maintaining a straight line of the pull. The chances of an accident and sudden wear and tear increase if you lift it sideways. Employ only one worker to pull the lever hoist to avoid any confusion.
- There should be no mistakes while seating the load in the hook.
- While pulling the load, ensures the area is clear. No one should be around the load.
- If there is any loose part or material, or if there is anything that is blocking the work, remove it before you start lifting from a hoist. Packing of the material to be lifted, if needed, should be done in a proper way.
- Do not be in a hurry while moving hoist control. It is always advisable to avoid any kind of jerks while moving the loads. The sling slacks should never be attached, and so as the hoisting ropes, while you lift the load.
Things to avoid completely while using construction hoists
- Never try to pass the load over to the workers working around.
- Never use the hoist for lifting humans. Let it be for load only.
- Never try tipping a load. Remember, in such a scenario, the load stays unstable and can harm the hoist and the hook. Sometimes it may cause an accident.
- Never try to experiment, like inserting the hook point in any of the chain links. You are inviting trouble if you do this.
- Avoid hammering on a sling anywhere.
- There are instances where the slings dangle around from the load hook. Do you think it is safe? No! Always put the sling hooks on the specially built sling rings whenever you bring slings toward the load.
- There is always a set limit for a hoist load. Never exceed it.
- Never leave any suspended loads without attending.
- Never try to lift load more than what is essential just to clear the clutter.
It is necessary to know in detail about the most common hoists. Let’s check them:
Manual Hoists
People also term it as chain halyards. These hoists are hand-chained or lever operated. Often this hoist requires two kinds of chains: One is a hand chain which is responsible for control lifting, and the second one is a load chain to carry the load.
Advantages of Manual Hoist
- Manual hoists are economical and do not cost you much.
- The transport process of this hoist is easier than any other hoist.
- This hoist is capable of handling any regular wear and tear for a longer time.
Disadvantages of Manual Hoist
- Not to forget, these hoists demand more area when it has to lift something heavier.
- The time a manual hoist takes is comparatively 150%, then a power hoist.
- It is not the right choice for all kinds of construction materials.
Power Hoists
This hoist works on electricity and is of three types:
- Electric hoist
- Pneumatic/air hoist
- Hydraulic hoist
Advantages of power hoist
- They perform in less time than any manual construction hoist.
- We all know that controlling these hoists is in the hands of operators. Hence the requirement of a workforce is absent.
- You can enjoy a broader lifting efficiency with this hoist.
Disadvantages of Power Hoist
- You need to be pre-prepared to face overheating issues. This hoist often overheats.
- The cost involves here is higher than the other one. You will invest a good amount here.
- In case of any mechanical errors, a lot of time will be wasted to repair it, damaging your planned schedule.
Wrapping up
You will find hoists and several other lifting equipment on any construction site. They lift heavy equipment, move materials or any goods into the site. A small negligence can invite big trouble here. It can cause damage at the construction site and lead to health hazards. Be sure to safely follow all the precautionary steps while using the construction hoist.