Video Production: 5 Expert Tips to drive views with video
There is no doubt that video production has become one of the most popular and efficient ways to communicate a message. Whether it’s for marketing, training, or just entertainment, videos are being used more and more to reach people. But what makes a great video? Here are five tips to help you create videos that drive more views and engagement.
Start with a Well-organized and Easy Follow Script
There is nothing more frustrating for a viewer than watching a video and not knowing where it’s going. If you’re making a training video, people should understand the concept you’re trying to communicate before they finish watching 5 seconds of your video. And even if it’s an entertaining video, people will still appreciate knowing what they can expect from watching it.
So before you shoot a video, take the time to write out an organized script. Not only will this help people understand your message, but it will also make the editing process go much smoother because there won’t be any holes in your story or confusing shots. Remember to start your script with an introduction or “hook” that grabs the attention of your viewers, and make sure you end it with a conclusion.
Ensure Your Video Looks and Sounds Good
The last thing you want in a video is bad lighting or poor audio quality. If your video looks and sounds good, people are more likely to enjoy it, and they may even watch it multiple times. So when creating a video, make sure the lighting is good and that no background noise can interfere with what you’re saying.
And when you’re recording your footage, make sure the camera is at an angle that’s pleasing to look at. If people can’t stand to watch your video because of how it looks and sounds, they will click away in a matter of seconds and never return.
You can hire a video production company like Austin Video Production or a video agency to handle all the lighting for you or you can take some time to adjust the lighting and zoom if needed so that it’s not directly in front of the camera. And while you’re recording, make sure you speak slowly and clearly so people can understand what you’re saying, even with bad audio quality.
Create a Story That Is Engaging and Interesting
Creating a great story is one of the best ways to get people hooked right from the start. Whether you’re making a video for marketing or entertainment, you need to find a hook that creates an emotional response from your viewers. And to create an even greater connection with your audience, have someone tell the story instead of just using words on a screen.
This will help people relate more to your message, and it also makes it more engaging because they’ll want to listen to the story being told instead of just reading it. The story you tell should also be interesting and genuine. People can tell when you’re just creating a video because you think it will “go viral” or get lots of views, so make sure the message in your story is something you believe in.
Ensure Your Video Has a Clear and Concise Message
When making a video, your message must be clear and concise. People don’t have time to watch something that bores them or confuses them, so make sure you communicate your message in an organized manner that will resonate with your viewers. This doesn’t mean you should hold people’s hands through the entire video; make sure they understand the message you want to communicate.
Stories that don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end are usually boring for the viewer. So while you need to ensure your video has an engaging story that keeps people watching, don’t forget to communicate your message in an organized way that is easy to follow. This will help people understand what you’re trying to communicate and improve their ability to retain the information.
Use Software to Make Your Video Look Polished and Professional
While you don’t need to use expensive video editing software, make sure you use free trial versions of programs like Camtasia and Screenflow, which can help your videos look polished. Using these tools will enable you to edit out any mistakes or bad parts in your video and give them a professional feel that people will appreciate. This polish will also make people more likely to watch your videos in the future because they’ll know they’ll be interesting and organized.
Don’t talk too fast or rush through your video. People need time to absorb information, so when you record a video, take your time to ensure it looks professional and that there’s enough substance for them to learn something from it. This will help ensure that more people view your videos and learn something instead of leaving you confused.
By following these tips, you should create interesting stories that people will want to watch. And if you use video marketing software, your videos could even go viral and be seen by thousands of people overnight. So focus on creating content worthy of sharing and not just empty clickbait, and remember, the more relatable and engaging your videos are, the more people will watch them.
Nice Post. Thanks to shared your wonderful information.
February 21, 2022